Monday, September 07, 2009

Our retrospect...Part at a different pace

Ever since we read the series of Little House on the Prairie by Laura Ingles Wilder, our family has had a passion for the nineteenth century. The girls have been wanting to visit Sovereign Hill (recreating Victorian life during the 1850's Goldrush) all year, even Brendan was able to take a well-earned day off work - we had a great day!

This ice-sculptor was amazing to see in was his work...

One of our favourite parts of Sovereign Hill is the Chinese village on the Goldfields, a part of our history we don't hear much about. I was touched when I turned around in the Chinese Temple to see E on her knees praying. I found out later that she was praying for the people who had died in the riots in China on 5 July, just a few days beforehand.

1 comment:

  1. I remember visiting here as a's another world isn't it.


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